

I’d like to start things off with this article, which upon reading the headline, I thought was going to be satire. IT wasn’t. It was quite creepy though, especially the fact that his daughter was the model…


I renamed the blog after sitting down and thinking up very corny words I could modify to include Grab (my last name). Candidates included Grabitat for Humanity, The Graboratory, Taxi Grab Confessions, Grab-Libs, but a winner rose to the top. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Grabdominal Core. I know it’s pretty awful but that’s where I’m at right now. Maybe I’ll think of one that makes sense sometime.

This week I tried to delve deeper into the world of political satire blogging. I just googled a lot (how’s that for linking?) and was able to come up with some stuff in surprisingly sparse field. I find it odd that in the age of the Internet and the age of what Entertainment Weekly has called “the most entertaining election ever,” I wasn’t launched into a bevvy of sites. Here are three that stood out. I’m sure there are more to come and hope I am just dipping my toes into the world of Internet political satire.

The Garlic is a site with obvious respect or hatred for The Onion. The title could mean either. I loved this site because it is so well informed. It’s definitely pro-Obama (probama anyone?), but most satirists seem to be. It is also spectacular how they refer to McCain as “Stumblin’ Bumblin’ John.

Pros: Backed Up Sources. You can see from that list, it’s funny, but not moronic at all. All those links are backed up sources, unlike myself who links to things like this.

Cons: Definitely not for the casual election follower.

Freaking News is quite the bizarre page. It’s central focus is Photoshop contests where people are given a theme and photshop to their heart’s content for cash prizes. Though I don’t know how people are getting paid for this type of thing in this time of terrifying economic crisis (somebody’s gotta do it), their politically themed entries had some good stuff. For example, here is an entry about what was found in Sarah Palin’s hacked e-mail account.

Pros: This is a different kind of satire, one of the newest kinds out there which makes it kind of innovative.

Cons: Mouth Eyes. So scary.

Finally, we have News Groper, my favorite new find. This is a site that keeps fake blogs on Sarah Palin, John McCain, and Barack Obama. Yes, Barack Obama is finally getting made fun of…. well.

In this post, News Groper gives Obama a really funny character and makes a point somehwat akin to accusations of elitism.

Pros: More bipartisan than most things you’ll get in the satire world.

Cons: Yet to find them.

I’ll finish this post off with a great voting PSA and College Humor has it right, Jonah Hill and Sarah Silverman kill it. And Forest Whitaker but I just love that guy.

2 Responses to “Potpourri”

  1. 1 ricksrss
    October 2, 2008 at 1:00 pm

    Good stuff, as always. Try, try, try to read and copy edit as much as you can before you post.

  2. October 3, 2008 at 3:39 am

    Hey, thanks for the plug. I loved the blogging comic you posted towards the top. I’m going to add your rss feed to my reader. Keep it up.

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